Plant a Tree in your Truck

Realized in 2011 in Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles
Poster: serigraph on recycled paper, 30 x 45 cm, seeds of maple tree, video 3:35 and serie of photographs
One of the symbols, defining american society, the Truck , has its specific history – once highly functional object invented for the use of farmers and merchants turned to be more a symbol -cult, praised by so many owners in present time. Although today it is losing its functional value as a truck – few of the drivers use the back space, and if so, very rarely. The cult of the truck is based on the look and on the size – the bigger, the better. Although being attracted to these cars for their beauty, in the time of global warming I consider driving them little irresponsible. In the attempt of changing it I use a guerrila method of spreading posters by fixing them on the car, insentivating the owners to plant a tree in the back side of their car to reduce their carbon emissions. The seeds of a maple tree and the instructions to plant it are the part of the kit, together with the poster. Believing that the positive change is possible only by positive methods, the truck owners, instead of being pranked, thay receive a gift:  an original serigraph poster and seed of a tree.