Shanty Town at Corona Heights

Year: 2010,
Corona Heights, San Francisco, USA
Used: cartoon, acrylics
variable, each house approx. 15 x 20 x 20 cm
Today´s world economy cannot be divided into independent sectors; it works
like one big, organic worldwide cloud. Everything is related.
One cannot find real shanty town in San Francisco, but Bay Area industry
certainly has some influence over urban areas in developing economies
So I believe, that San Francisco should have shanty town, although just a
miniature one. In a shanty town spirit, it is built from reused material,
mostly cartoon and it is situated at not habited spot of the city, raw, wild
looking Corona Heights.
If the power of Word could hold a Man

Realized in San Francisco, USA, 2011
My work is in many cases a
reflection of actual: what I read and what I see in newspapers, internet and
television. The 90% of human catastrophes, natural disasters, political
scandals turned into my almost everyday doping - a resource for false feeling
of being present, being THERE.
The death of human somewhere
in between of the lines becomes banal in the multitude of cases. But if the
report about that death would not be spoken out loudly, would it be better? I
decided to create this work about it, referencing specially the cases of
illegal immigrants risking death trying to cross the sea dividing Africa and
Europe on fragile boats.
In this work I translated the
situation of worldwide news into one simplified equation: If the power of words
can save a man, then I can build a boat from newspaper and sail through the

Plant a Tree in your Truck

Realized in 2011 in Berkeley, San Francisco, Oakland, Los
Poster: serigraph on recycled paper, 30 x 45 cm, seeds of
maple tree, video 3:35 and serie of photographs
One of the
symbols, defining american society, the Truck , has its specific history – once
highly functional object invented for the use of farmers and merchants turned
to be more a symbol -cult, praised by so many owners in present time. Although
today it is losing its functional value as a truck – few of the drivers use the
back space, and if so, very rarely. The cult of the truck is based on the look
and on the size – the bigger, the better. Although being attracted to these
cars for their beauty, in the time of global warming I consider driving them
little irresponsible. In the attempt of changing it I use a guerrila method of
spreading posters by fixing them on the car, insentivating the owners to plant
a tree in the back side of their car to reduce their carbon emissions. The
seeds of a maple tree and the instructions to plant it are the part of the kit,
together with the poster. Believing that the positive change is possible only
by positive methods, the truck owners, instead of being pranked, thay receive a
gift: an original serigraph poster and
seed of a tree.
The disappearance of the City of San Francisco

Video 4:33 ; painting – oil and acrylics on canvas, 30 x
20 cm
Filmed at Berkeley Fire trail, CA USA, 2011
incredible position of the City of San Francisco in the bay, situated on the
hills that end on the sea shore – all that made me wonder, how this area could
look like before the city was build. The relatively short life of american cities
makes it somehow touchable – the original face of the area could be still felt.
The unspoiled native land. Now – in the name of the nature I erased the city in
the painting by the act of re-painting, leaving just the natural shape of the
bay and the mountains. As the nature reclaiming back its property. The name,
evoking the miracles done by magicians refers to the endless possibilities of
painting media.
Where is my Home?
since 2009
of 15 x 15 photographs and house made of balsa wood
The house 10 x 10 x 7 cm made from
light wood is currently travelling over different cities of the world. Each
image represents one place for momentary settlement; many of them remind me my
vision of home. But no one is the definitive one. Sometimes forced and
sometimes desired, this is the nomadic life of artists or even whole generation
around the world, looking for opportunities, love, inspiration, money. We are
learning to accept each of this space as our home, although temporary. Running
away for something or sometimes running away from ourselves.
This is a work in permanent progress.
The house travelled through these cities and sites: Porto, Portugal; Bratislava, Slovakia; Nizke Tatry / Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia; Nitra, Slovakia; Kosice, Slovakia; Bardejov, Slovakia; Budapest, Hungary; Barcelona, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal; San Francisco, USA; Muir Woods, USA, New York, USA
The house is presently settled in Nitra, Slovak Republic.
This is a work in permanent progress.
The house travelled through these cities and sites: Porto, Portugal; Bratislava, Slovakia; Nizke Tatry / Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia; Nitra, Slovakia; Kosice, Slovakia; Bardejov, Slovakia; Budapest, Hungary; Barcelona, Spain; Lisbon, Portugal; San Francisco, USA; Muir Woods, USA, New York, USA
The house is presently settled in Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Mensagens (Atom)